P. 111
Meno famoso di Central Park, l’orto botanico di Bro-
oklyn è un’oasi nella città che vale la pena visitare: 21
ettari di verde che contano migliaia di specie arboree
e includono un suggestivo giardino giapponese, un
vasto roseto e lo Shakespeare Garden con le piante
citate nelle opere dell’autore.
Less famous than Central Park, the Brooklyn Botanic
Garden is an oasis in the city that is worth visiting:
21 hectares of greenery that count thousands of tree
species and include a striking Japanese garden, a
vast rose garden and the Shakespeare Garden with
its plants mentioned in the works of the author.
Photo by Gulshan Kirat.
Courtesy of Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Situato in un imponente ex-magazzino di mattoni
rossi, Pioneer Works è il centro multidisciplinare no
prof t fondato dall’artista americano Dustin Yellin.
Una Factory contemporanea in cui pittori, scultori,
musicisti e registi, possono incontrarsi dando vita a
performance, mostre ed eventi.
Located in an impressive red brick former warehou-
se, Pioneer Works is the multidisciplinary non-prof t
center founded by the American artist Dustin Yellin.
A contemporary Factory in which painters, sculptors,
musicians and directors can meet, giving life to per-
formances, exhibitions and events.
Ph. courtesy of Pioneer Works
L’indirizzo giusto per una pausa relax a New York è tenover-
ten, il luxury nail salon preferito dalle donne manager della
City, che qui amano farsi coccolare tra un meeting e l’altro
con trattamenti “su misura” realizzati con i prodotti dell’omo-
nimo marchio, rigorosamente atossici e cruelty free.
The right address for a relaxing break in New York is Teno-
verten, the luxury nail salon preferred by the City’s manage-
rial women, who here love to be pampered between meetin-
gs and with “tailor-made” treatments made with the brand’s
products, strictly non-toxic and cruelty free.
Ph. courtesy tenoverten