P. 101

Apparently a mosaic with the pieces, all of the
          same size but varying in number between one
          work and another, that are fragments of a por-
          trait made with the Polaroid system in the very
          particular manner of Maurizio Galimberti, lea-
          ding  Italian  photographer  of  that  artistic  cur-
          rent that uses instant photography to express
          its creativity. And it is the snapshot in fact, the
          Polaroid, the leitmotif of his artistic career as
          he also pointed out in the exhibition “Maurizio
          Galimberti Antologica” curated by Denis Cur-
          ti  at  the  Rocca  Roverasca  of  Senigallia,  city
          of  photography.  “The  mosaic  shots  by  Gali-
          mebrti have the particularity of proposing the
          subject  photographed  in  compositions  made
          from many pieces or tiles. In each of the tiles a
          fragment of the whole is reproduced and in the
          specific case of the portrait, using an acces-
 “VENGONO MESSI IN EVIDENZA  sory  that  allows  close-up  shots,  each  of  the
 I TRATTI PIÙ SIGNIFICATIVI   tiles contains a detail of the subject” explains
 DEL PERSONAGGIO   the curator. “The ability of Galimberti consists

 RIPRESO, ROMPENDO   in choosing the sequence of shots and combi-
          ning the various parts: in this way the most si-
 LA CONTINUITÀ VISIVA   gnificant traits and the personality of the cha-
 DI VOLUMI E PROPORZIONI”.  racter taken up are highlighted, breaking the

          visual continuity of volumes and proportions”.
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