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Aesthetics and functionality: this is the eter- chitect can prove to be a bold practice, as
nal dilemma when it comes to design as the Canadian Frank O. Gehry had well sum-
well as architecture. Combining business marized by explaining that “if an architect
with pleasure has proved to be an extremely pursues beauty, he must deal with God. If
challenging thing for professionals, called to he has a different goal, then his competitors
build new aesthetic experiences with a solid become Bernini and Borromini. Overcoming
foundation. The subject of the question is the them will be difficult, but not impossible “.
Tallin Architecture Biennial entitled “Beauty “The word beauty has been avoided for al-
Matters: the resurgence of beauty” until No- most eighty years. It happened in the visual
vember 17, 2019. “To aspire to beauty is to arts, in architecture, in politics, in psycho-
focus on depth - the true challenge of archi- logy, in poetry and in music, although peo-
tecture, as it is in poetry, in mathematics or ple continue to use the adjective beautiful in
in politics. The eight architects invited, reco- everyday life”, insists Reisner instead. “The
gnized and emerging, were asked to propo- word beauty is still associated by many with
se a project focused on beauty through the superficiality, with an old and conservative
lens of living “, explains the curator Yael Rei- world, and the concept that it brings with it
sner. Looking at beauty from different points is the victim of a cultural prejudice, a taboo
of view and disciplines that would come to - he continues - Yet the first criterion for ju-
include full value also in architecture, but be dging architecture is still its ability to create
careful because chasing beauty for an ar- an appreciated aesthetic experience “.