P. 105
Summarized in these words, the sense of the dual convinced that luxury lies in simplicity” has always af-
trend that continues to mark, season after season, de- f rmed the namesake founder of the brand, who since
cade after decade, the tastes and customs of our time. last year has seen the spouses Lucie and Luke Meier
A game of opposites that oscillates between excess at the helm.
and essentiality and f nds its deepest meaning in On the contrary: “Minimalism can have nothing to do
fashion. Just take a look at the latest fashion shows with the concept of couture” is the motto of the French
to see the extremes of this creative dialogue: on one Christian Lacroix, shared by iconic personalities such
hand the sartorial opulence of Dolce & Gabbana, the as Thierry Mugler and Gianni Versace, among the
maximalist aesthetic of Gucci, the ironic couture of main proponents of that excessive and exaggerated
Viktor & Rolf; on the other, the extreme cleanliness of style that marked the 80s. But the most contemporary
the silhouettes signed by Helmut Lang and The Row, expression of the maximalism / minimalism continuum
in addition to the formal rigor of Jil Sander, a cult brand is in street style, where the contamination between sty-
that has made “Less is more” a real trademark. “I am les, cultures and new visions reigns.