Page 119 - Montenapoleone
P. 119
Vive la BEAUTÉ
An accomplice of beauty, giving twenty-four shades of co- zement, which embraces the object, its design and the de-
lor to the female personality: the Hermès maison presents sire to be useful and, at the same time, to inspire dreams”
its sixteenth profession by launching Beauté, with the f rst says Axel Dumas, CEO of Hermès.
collection of Rouge Hermès lipsticks. Sensual texture, mat
or satin f nish, the lipsticks beautiful on the inside and on the “As a silk yoke tied around the neck reveals and makes a
outside, are created from noble materials such as lacque- woman shine, with the Beauté Hermès we wanted to f nd or
red, brushed, polished, black, white or gold permabrass rediscover this same emotion for color, this supreme femi-
metal, rechargeable and made to last. ninity” explains Bali Barret, artistic director of the women’s
universe and creative director of women’s silk. “For Hermès
«We face this new profession with our language and with color is pure and intoxicating passion, craftsmanship of
great joy. La Beauté Hermès is part of our being: a maison shades, mania for the right tone, a real language”. Together
where everything comes from creation, led by craftsmen with the lipsticks, moisturizing and smoothing lip balm, Pop-
who accompany men and women in everyday life with ele- py brilliant lipstick, universal lip pencil, lacquered wood lip
gance, with the integrity and authenticity that we represent. brush, which will be enriched every six months, from Sep-
Beauté is the quintessence of our love for surprise and ama- tember 2020, with other beauty allies. Vive la beauté.