P. 85
Important notice: the artist known (re) known street art works in the
as Banksy is not involved in this world. “Popular frescoes” that deal
exhibition at all. We read clearly with the hot topics of our era from
the press release that accompa- capitalism to war, to freedom in a
nies the exhibition “THE SECOND total sense. “His strength lies in
PRINCIPLE OF AN ARTIST CAL- having understood that in a digi-
LED BANKSY”, which at Palaz- tal world like ours, art had to stop
zo Ducale in Genoa brings to- a moment before its digitization,
gether over 100 original works being solid and then becoming li-
and objects by the British artist, quid - declares Gianluca Marziani,
all from private collections. Nobo- among the curators - An easy art in
dy has ever seen him in the face, appearance but complex beyond
yet Bansky, originally from Bristol, appearing, obvious yet controver-
born around 1974, is the global ar- sial, empathetic by attitude and
tist of our millennium with his most bad by nature “.