P. 88

When  he’s  not  wearing  the  Portland  Trail  Blazers’
               uniform - the basketball team that plays in the Ame-
               rican NBA - he is a perfect rapper. Damian Lillard,
               D.O.L.L.A  at  the  console.,  Dame  Logo  on  f eld  for
               his ritual of pulling from the team logo designed in
               midf eld. Golden boy from California, born in 1990,
               the  basketball  player  also  hits  the  mark  as  a  style
               champion, signing the adidas D Lillard line: slight-
               ly cushioning sneakers and “Dame” logo t-shirts to
               take the f eld with a creative touch. “I live to compete
               with people, but I don’t like talking so much. I am not
               one who speaks idly or says bullshit, I prefer to act. I
               face life as I face
               basketball,  with
               compassion  and    “ALL’ANAGRAFE DAMIAN
               ruthlessness. It is   LILLARD, ALLA CONSOLLE
               important to have   DAME D.O.L.L.A., IN CAMPO
               both,”  confesses   DAME LOGO: CESTISTA
               Lillard. And if you   DELL’NBA AMERICANA
               see  him  on  the
               f eld  wearing  the   CON LA PASSIONE
               number  0,  know   PER IL RAPPER”.
               that  he  does  not
               see  that  number,
               he sees the letter “O” which stands for Oakland, his
               hometown and one of the most dangerous in Ame-
               rica where he had to f ght for to emerge. If his rap
               rhymes can be discussed, they certainly contribute
               to give hope to the young people of the ghetto: “I
               want to become the best Trail Blazer ever. That’s all.
               I want to be the best ever seen in these parts, the
               one with the greatest impact”.

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