P. 74

English from Brighton, born in 1974, Simon Roberts has certainly visited Rome over and over again during his care-
           er as a photographer, also a guest of the capital’s international photography festival. He must have also lived it so
           deeply that he has immortalized atmospheres and moments of emotions or feelings shared by those who, in love or
           hate, live the city in its fully strident contrasts. Because Rome is Rome, a postcard city of those that the artists at the
           time of the Grand Tour in the peninsula, splashed in their notebooks. But to the postcards of the most different eras
           and places of the
           Roman world Ro-
           berts superimpo-
           ses  his  original
           manner  with  his
           c o n t e m p o r a r y
           snapshots,  sha-
           ping images that
           become juxtapo-
           sed between the
           ancient  and  mo-
           dern  history  of
           Rome.  After  all,
           as Marcel Proust
           pointed out: “The
           world  was  not
           created    once,
           but  every  time
           an  original  artist

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