Page 56 - PORTOCERVO 2020
P. 56



                             THE GREAT BEAUTY

                               By Cathleen Naundorf

                                                                         Cathleen Naundorf

                                                                              “Sotto  certi  aspetti,  il  mio  approccio  è
                                                                              simile a quello di un regista, che costru-
                                                                              isce  un  mondo  incantato  nella  propria
                                                                              mente e poi gli dà vita attraverso la pel-
                                                                              licola”. Racconta la fotografa Cathleen
                                                                              Naundorf,  autrice  delle  nuove  cover:
                                                                              immagini di grande formato su pellicola
                                                                              Polaroid. Fotograf e eteree e cinemato-
                                                                              graf che  destinate  a  catturare  la  gran-
                                                                              de bellezza, colta e raff nata dell’haute
                                                                              couture e dell’alta gioielleria.

                                                                              “In  some  way,  my  approach  is  similar
                                                                              to that of a f lmdirector, who builds an
                                                                              enchanted world in his mind and then
                                                                              gives it life through f lm”. Says the pho-
                                                                              tographer Cathleen Naundorf, author of
                                                                              the new covers: shots in a large format
                                                                              with analog f lm. Ethereal and cinema-
                                                                              tic photografs made to catch the great,
                                                                              cultured  and  ref ned  beauty  of  haute
                                                                              couture  and haute jewlery.

                                                                              Cathleen Naundorf’s artwork can be purchased through
                                                                              her Atelier in Paris.
                                                                              118, rue Reaumur
                                                                              75002 Paris

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