P. 41
“NONOSTANTE INTERNET His name, but above all that unpronounceable surna-
me, will most likely not bring anything to mind; but just
browse through his portfolio of “famous” shots to sketch
INTERVISTE, GODO Frank Ockenfels prof le with a conf dent hand. Stars of
ANCORA DI UN the caliber of Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson, di-
CERTO ANONIMATO”. rectors such as David Lynch and George Miller. Music
icons, such as R.E.M., Iggy Pop, Garbage and up to Da-
vid Bowie for which he made author portraits that later
appeared on the artist’s albums as in international ma-
gazines. And yet advertising campaigns and images for
the cinema. American photographer, artist and director,
for Ockenfels speak his portraits contaminated with te-
chniques unrelated to pure photography, which appear
rather as personal collages through which the artist in-
In queste pagine: vestigates the subconscious: “I think we can see more
IDEA #0, INNER THOUGHTS, VIKTORIA, © clearly with white and black, color distracts. If I use color,
2019 Frank Ockenfels 3, courtesy of Fahey/
Klein Gallery Los Angeles. it must offer multiple versions of the same reality “.
I WON, © 2019
Frank Ockenfels 3, courtesy of Fahey/Klein
Gallery Los Angeles.
CROWN, © 2019 Frank Ockenfels 3, courtesy
of Fahey/Klein Gallery Los Angeles