P. 124

“Inside me there is a child, there will always be a child,   in  Rome  on  the  occasion  of  a  double  anniversary:    90
          until my death, and I am happy with it. If you have this   years from birth and 30 from the death of the one  who
          impression  I  am  happy,  because  it  is,  how  to  say,  an   has merit of having taught Italian cinema to rewrite the
          extra impression”. Sergio Leone, sly but always very at-  western genre without fear of comparison with America.
          tentive,  to  the  curiosities  of  the  French  press  that  had   Clips of f lms, drawings and sketches, posters, clothes
          him  welcomed  with  surprising  enthusiasm  for  the  city   and stage secrets, (stop in front of the movie about the
          on the occasion of the exhibition set up at the Cinémat-  making of noises and you won’t regret it, 5 happy mi-
          hèque francaise, in Paris in October 2018. Over 60 thou-  nutes of surprising and lucid madness-mastery, editor’s
          sand visitors in three months and sold out tickets had   note), family photographs and memories, interviews with
          highlighted the desire to discover closely the secrets of   the actors who grew up together with him, like Clint Ea-
          one  of  the  most  brilliant  protagonists  of  the  cinemato-  stwood, Lee van Cleef, Gian Maria Volonté, they tell the
          graphic world, irregular and revolutionary artist always   extraordinary human and professional story of the direc-
          capable of surprise, experiment and rework childhood   tor who signed f lms that went down in history, mythical
          myths and dreams using the memory of cinema and the    f lms like C’era una volta il West, Giù la testa, il Buono
          freedom of fairy tale. Today that exhibition, thanks to the   il Brutto il Cattivo, C’era una volta in America. . “Daddy
          long wave of a dizzying success, arrives in Rome, in the   was a innovator and makes us happy to note that he still
          Ara Pacis space, open until May 3rd in “Once upon a    continues to be mentioned and celebrated all over the
          time  there  was  Sergio  Leone”,  1000  square  meters  of   world ”, says Raffaella Leone, together with her brother
          an unmissable and always surprising journey through hi-  Andrea  at  the  helm  of  the  Leone  Film  Group.  And  the
          story, secrets and life of the Roman director. Curated by   strong  impact  of  the  Italian  director  on  world  cinema
          Gianluca Farinelli, director of the Cineteca di Bologna, in   culture has also been demonstrated by the section de-
          collaboration with Rosaria Gioia and Antonio Bigini, con-  dicated to the authors who pay homage to him today,
          ceived  and  strongly  desired  by  Camilla  Morabito  with   starting with Quentin Tarantino, in race with 10 statuet-
          her  communication  agency  Equa  and  by  her  children,   tes for the Oscar 2020 with his “Once Upon a Time in
          Raffaella, Francesca and Andrea, the exhibition arrives   Hollywood”, freely inspired by Sergio Leone.

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