Page 52 - Via Condotti
P. 52
With its soft contours at first glance it might remember meters of the exhibition space are perfect to endless
the silhouette of a decanter, but there’s more, since explorations of the wine culture, from French wines la-
that the Cité du Vin recently opened in Bordeaux - a city bels to international productions for 22 selected wine
already famous for vineyards and refined wine labels - landscapes. To mark the stages there are the immer-
represents a multisensory space designed to celebra- sive scenes of Casson Mann, in the sign of digital and
te the culture of wine. And already the structure that interactive technology that excite the senses, between
gives a high-impact, with its soft shapes and the glass permanent and temporary exhibitions, multimedia in-
and aluminum roofs that reflect the changing light, stallations, a library, boutique, wine cellar and even
almost seems to anticipate the (round) taste of wine, a restaurant complete with a terrace on the Garonne
with the interiors designed to be crossed smoothly by and the city. Already UNESCO World Heritage Site,
visitors, in a free motion such as the wine rotating in a Bordeaux seems to bet on the food and wide sector
glass. “The idea is a seamless, intangible and sensual as on the most contemporary culture, deserving the
roundness” state the designers Anouk Legendre and titles of the city most loved by the French according to
Nicolas Desmazières of XTU Architects. And in line a ranking of last year, and second world destination of
with the idea of a flowing design, the 13,000 square 2016 according to the New York Times.