Page 41 - Via Condotti
P. 41
We leave her on the big screen bloo- the actress - Just think that in my filmo-
dy queen in “Hellboy” directed by Neil graphy I have several chapters of the
Marshall, and we find her super affectio- Resident Evil saga”. The female roles
nate mother who announces via Insta- of “queen” amuse her, as in “The Three
gram the birth of her third child, a few Musketeers” where she was Milady De
weeks ago. It’s all a matter of nuances, Winter, and even if the Queen of Blood is
the chameleon character of Milla Jovo- very different, she who has long been a
vich, model first, songwriter in a band model declares to adapt to many situa-
and actress then, born in 1975. Ice eyes tions. “Nothing like fashion requires con-
and beauty of Eastern Europe - born in tinuous transformations - she explains in
Kiev and naturalized in the United Sta- an interview - I have had a lot from the
tes - on the set she plays non-ordinary fashion world and if even today, after 40,
roles of science fiction heroines and bio- someone calls me, I am always ready.
nic creatures, as if to suggest that action Not on the catwalk, but to participate in
is her job. “I always train, even more if I some way in a creative world that doesn’t
have to prepare for an action film - said end with the word “fashion”.